Monday, December 16, 2013

Cowgirl Birthday Party = FUN!

Hi Friends,
First, my apologies for not posting very regularly.  My goal is weekly, but sometimes even that doesn't happen.  It is one of my resolutions for 2014 to be more consistent with blogging!

On another note, I threw my oldest a cowgirl birthday party this past weekend...and it was a blast!  I thought I'd share some pics of the fun.  (Thanks to Pinterest for some of the ideas!)

The birthday cowgirl!  Cannot believe she's already four years old!

We had a photo booth (made from a large box!). 
I made props...see below for a great shot of the birthday cowgirl and Grandma!
The General Store!  Every guest received a small packet of play money when they arrived,
and the got to 'shop' for goodies (including treats and tiny toys) - gotta love dollar stores!
Refreshments at the 'Watering Hole'...decorations included tiny straw bales, horses and cowboy hats, burlap and bandanas.  Pretty easy, really, once I had the idea!
The cake and party favors.  Yes - it's actually a doll inside that cake!  Tons of frosting, but really yummy! 
(I did not make this came from a great bakery in Appleton WI!)

Gold Mine = messy fun!  The kiddos dug for gold coins in a box of sawdust.  So simple, but turned out pretty fun.

I had loads of fun planning and preparing for this party.  Probably went a little overboard, but I think every kid deserves a great party to celebrate their birthday!

Thanks for reading!

Kristin at Fiddle & Frog

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